27 September 2007

Chapter 8: Alles entlang der Ruhe Fängt auf. [All Along the Quiet Fields.]

The Trans-Europa went on its way to Vienna, and along the way the track went along some wheat fields. Karl looked out the window, Anneke asleep in his arms. It had been about a week or so since he and his friends, the mensch-maschinen, met the Düsseldorf Quartet, and Karl had been fascinated with the practical thinker and resident goofball of the lot. But he learned along the way a lot of tidbits about her, some of which amazed him.

For one, she had a short temper. At times, very short. One incident in Paris involved a Frenchman trying to hit on her. French by descent herself, she understood what the Frenchman wanted, and she clearly and politely declined. Karl was in awe of, at the instant, her very cool, calm and collected nature. But when the Frenchman persisted the heck out of her, she kept herself calm until he touched her arm. Then, she glared at him and gave him one final warning. But did the Frenchman listen? Apparently not...

After one final dose of harrassment, she punched him square in the jaw and glared as he fell to the ground. Karl's jaw dropped and his mouth stayed agape until they left the marketplace. After they were away from the crowd, the youngest of the mensch-maschinen began to giggle mercilessly.

Anneke, looking to her companion, raised a brow. "I wonder what's so amusing, Karl?" she inquired.

"I'd never expect you to lose your temper like that!!" he giggled some more. "That was one hell of a punch you gave him!"

"Well he just wouldn't leave me alone!" she argued. "He damn well deserved that smash to the skull."

"Well then if I were to be hitting on you" he kindly retorted with a bashful grin.

"Now you, on the other hand..." she started, but was unable to finish as she began to giggle at his grin. "Aww hell, you I can't resist!!"

"What!?" he laughed.

But she just smiled warmly at him. "Ich weiß nicht" she replied. "Möglicherweise bin ich ein Dummkopf für wenige Sachen gewesen.

"Aber, das ist ich gerecht."

Karl chuckled at the memory, then looked to the now still-sleeping Anneke, the woman with a deadly punch if no one was wise enough to think. He had really come to admire her quick thinking and intelligence, as well as her fascination for the mensch-maschinen. She was curious about them, so to further her information for the HQ back home.


The mensch-maschine blinked out of his train of thought and glanced to Anneke, who was waking up at last. He smiled a little bit at her. "How'd you sleep, Anneke?" he asked.

"Like I've been sleeping the past week or so--most contentedly" she replied, smiling up at him.

"Wonderful," he said, still smiling.

She looked out the window at the morning scenery. The flowers, the trees, all flew by at a decent, calm speed. It wasn't as if it was right past them in a heartbeat. She got to enjoy the view, and was well in the company of a good person, even if he was a semi-human being.

"So... you have been a fool for lesser things, Anneke?" Karl finally asked, looking to her as the memory of her last words in that recollection replayed in his head. Anneke blinked and glanced to him, then turned away blushing.

"Well?" Karl asked, holding her hand. A curious smile adorned his face. Finally she looked back to him, still blushing, but with a smile this time.

"...yes, I have said so, and I believe I still am, Karl" she replied. "And, perhaps, I shall always be such a fool."

"What about falling in love though?" he inquired. Do you think it's foolish?"

She looked out the window, her face now more solemn, more serious. Then she lowered her head.

"I..." she started, then stopped. She took a deep breath, and continued. "I... never really had time for that kind of stuff. I was always busy protecting my fellow Clandestinian Sisters, always looking out for them. I never really considered anyone to really hold onto my heart for the rest of my common life.

"It just... it just never occured to me to do so. But..."

Her hands held one of his. Their eyes met as she spoke.

"...perhaps... it is time I took that chance."

The two shared a smile, and the mensch-maschine could not help but notice just how sweet and honest she was. He was half-tempted to kiss her, but couldn't and drew her into his arms instead. Not everyone in the world understood his kind, yet she had a mind interested in them and a heart to be there for them. Especially the one in whose arms she rested safely in, quietly taking this moment in. Their eyes were fixed to the window, and the scenery that past them by at a calm yet swift speed.

"It's a beautiful day outside, Karl" she whispered, smiling. "Just gorgeous."

"I agree" he replied softly. "It is quite lovely outside. Kind of reminds me of someone." With that comment he smiled at her as she blushed in response. With that the two resumed conversation as the Trans-Europa swiftly made its way through to Vienna.

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